
Let’s face it, sometimes dealing with clients is the hardest part of your day. It can be exhausting, time consuming and frustrating at times. Here at Renoworks, we get you and know that your visualizer can help ease the pressure clients can add on to the business.

To make things a little easier during this busy season, we’ve outlined 4 different types of clients and tips on how to deal with them.

The ‘Strong willed’ client

Listen – Understand – Visualize – Deliver

It’s easy to have a love-hate relationship with these types of clients. Don’t let them scare you. They might know exactly what they want but they most likely don’t know what it takes to bring their idea to life. All they want is to be heard. So, take lots of notes, ask lots of questions and acknowledge their requests. Once you have a clear idea of what they want, put together a plan. When they see that you understand them, they’ll trust in you right away.


The ‘Clueless’ Client

Educate – Understand – Visualize – Deliver

If they don’t know what they want, help them. All they are looking for is a little guidance. Don’t use intimidating jargon or big technical words and scare them off. They want to know that you are the right person to guide them and help them make decisions they will be happy with. Use your visualizer to educate them on different products and options.


The ‘Busy Bee’’ client

Understand – Visualize – Gain Approval Deliver

These clients are tricky. How are you supposed to understand and deliver within their timeline if they won’t give you any of their time? With these clients, it’s important to be quick, concise and direct. Make sure every idea has a written approval so you’re both on the same page. Share images, use online tools to present ideas and set the right expectations with visuals rather than text heavy documents. You’ll soon learn that these can be the best types of clients for your business – you can thank us later.


The ‘Unsettled’ client

Understand – Visualize – Iterate Deliver

As much as we try our best to keep clients happy, sometimes nothing seems to work. Some clients just flip-flop between ideas a lot and that’s ok. Make sure you deal with these clients patiently and efficiently. Don’t hurry them to make a decision. Send them the discussed plans and ideas with plenty of options and give them their space to make a decision. This will keep your clients happy and help you manage your time well too!


It’s important to make each customer feel valuable and important, however big or small a project.

Be empathetic, relatable and take time to earn trust. The more time you spend understanding your customer, the more time you will save going back and forth between ideas… and the more headaches you’ll avoid come production. Your visualizer can be a cost and time effective way to set expectations right. Word of mouth is the best type of marketing to organically grow your business and your clients are your best advocates.